기출 문제 복원/【대구시9급기출복원】


제주도여행in 2006. 4. 26. 17:13

[2006.3.19] 대구시 지방직 영어 복원문제

1. 다음 대화의 밑줄 친 부분과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 것은? 답 : 2
A : See if you get this. How do get down from an elephant?
B : By using a ladder?
A : NO. You don't get down from an elephant. You get down from  a duck. Are you following me?
B : Hmm... funny.

  ① I beg your pardon?
  ② Are you with me?
  ③ Could you say that again?
  ④ Shall we go together?


2. 다음 글에서 어법상, 또는 문법적으로 틀리거나 어색한 것은? 답 : 2
 Books are gateways into other minds and other peoples. Through them can escape from the narrow little world (A)we live and from fruitless brooding over our own selves. An evening spent reading great books (B)does for our mind (C)which a holiday in the mountains does for our bodies. We come down form the mountains stronger, our lungs and our mind (D)cleansed of all impurities, and we are better prepared to face with courage the battles on the plans of daily life.

  ① (A), (B)     ② (A),(C)    ③ (B),(C)    ④ (B),(D)


3. 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 1
According to the _____________ trade agreement, both countries will buy more of each other's products.

  ① bilateral         ② bilingual        ③ unilateral        ④multilateral


4.  다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 4
Grease and water will not mix; ail and water are as _____________ as fire and water.

  ① attached        ② addictive        ③ collateral        ④ incompatible


5. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어가기에 어색한 것은? 답 : 3
A : I've been doing this work for twenty years. I don't like it any more.
B : It's very understandable that you _______________ your job.

  ① are sick and tired of                ② have had enough of
  ③ kept up with                        ④ are fed up with


6. 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 4
On an airplane in the Far East, in typhoon season, I asked the pilot how he handled those strong winds. "Oh, the strong winds sometimes can improve flight conditions." he replied. 'I turn strong winds into tailwinds!" Perhaps suffering and hardship in life, some seemingly as big as typhoons, serve the same purpose for a human being. Then you can turn (A) into (B) and make it speed you on your way to achievement.

          (A)                  (B)
  ① good luck   -   challenge
  ② chance      -   adversity 
  ③ disaster     -   courage
  ④ difficulty    -   opportunity


7. 다음 ㉠-㉣중 밑줄 친 “marketing orientation"을 설명하거나 가리키는 것이 아닌 것은? 답 : 2
What is the relationship of man toward himself? We can describe the relationship of man toward himself as "marketing orientation." in this orientation, man experiences himself as ㉠a thing to be employed successfully on the market. He does not experience himself as active agent, as ㉡the bearer of human powers. He is alienated form these powers. His aim is ㉢to sell himself successfully on the market. His sense of self does not stem his activity as a loving and thinking individual, but from his socio-economic role. His sense of value depends on
㉣his success: on whether he can sell himself favorably, whether he can make more of himself than he started out whit, whether he is a success.

  ① ㉠         ② ㉡          ③ ㉢          ④ ㉣


8. 다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 4
 Klez. E is most common world-wide spreading worm. It's very dangerous as it will corrupt  your files. Because of its very smart setalth and anti-anti-virus technique, most common anti virus software can't detect or clean it. We developed this free immunity tool defeat the malicious virus. This tool acts as fake Klez to fool the real worm.
 So some anti-virus monitors may cry when you run it. if so, ignore the worning, and  select 'conitnue'. You only need to urn this tool once, and then klez will never come into your PC.

  ① 칭찬하려고       ② 문의하려고        ③ 주문하려고       ④ 안내하려고


9. 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 1
 The scholars have found that gender differences are reflected in the ways that children use language while they play. Boys often use commands when they talk to each other. For instance, when a boy is captain he might say, "You go first. Don't wait for me." As the leader of the other boys, he tells them exactly what to do. But when a girl wants to influence her friends, she uses different forms of language Instead of using commands, she will say, "Let's try it this way. Let's do this." this is how she tries to direct the other girls without sounding bossy. By using the form "let's," she also emphasizes the fact that the girls all belong to the same group. These differences seem to be part of growing up in a given culture and following its rules of gender. If men and women can understand that many of their differences are ______________________, they may be able to improve their relationships.

  ① cultural, not personal
  ② temporary, not permanent
  ③ individual, not social
  ④ voluntary, not compulsory


10. 다음 글을 읽고 <보기>의 물음에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 답 : 3
 Two boys argue when the teacher entered the room. The teacher said, 'Why are you arguing?" one boy answered, "We found a ten-dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie." You should be ashamed of yourselves," said the teacher. "When I was your age, I didn't even know what a lie was." The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher.


Q) Why did they give the money to the teacher?

  ① Because the money was the teacher's
  ② Because boy couldn't find the solution.
  ③ Because the teacher told the biggest lie.
  ④ Because they wanted the teacher to find the owner.


11. 글의 흐름으로 보아 <보기>의 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? 답 : 3
(㉠) It is time for computers to take over the classroom and introduce a new age education, (㉡)The classroom, the teacher, and the current formal system of education should be eliminated because computers have the ability to provide individual instruction. (㉢) For instance, smart ten-year-olds could work on advanced degrees while their less-gifted peers learn at their own pace. (㉣)Multimedia programs would make learning fun and concepts easier to understand. No more lectures or overcrowded classroom. The computer is the school of the future.


Whit computerized education, children could all learn at their own pace.

  ① ㉠         ② ㉡         ③ ㉢          ④ ㉣


12. 밑줄 친 Just jet me listen to the clatter and chatter의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 2
 My friend Jerome told me about her first Christmas away from home. She timed a telephone call to the hour when she knew that three generations of her family would be together getting a variety of dishes ready for Christmas dinner."
Put down the phone," she said. "Just let me listen to the clatter and chatter."
It seemed an odd thing to do, but jerome had the right idea. When I spent a Christmas alone in Florida, I called home at a time when most of my family just happened to be in the kitchen. The background sounds of busyness were like Christmas music to my ears.

  ① 나도 곧 참석하겠다.
  ② 분위기를 느끼고 싶다.
  ③ 큰소리로 말해야겠다.
  ④ 여러 사람과 통화하고 싶다.


13. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B),(C)에 가장 적절할 것끼리 짝지어진 것은? 답 : 3
 We humans have (A)[involved/evolved] into quite strange beings. Whatever happens in the future is unlikely to be odder than what has already happened in the past. We differ from other animals in that we cook our food and wear clothes. But perhaps the most important distinguishing (B)[figure/feature] is human language This extraordinary system allows us to communicate about anything whatsoever, whether it is present, absent, or even non-existent. Though this system is what makes us different from other animals. the (C)[original/origin] of our extraordinary communication system is still a mystery.

         (A)             (B)           (C)
  ① involved   -  figure  -   original
  ② involved   -  feature -   original
  ③ evolved   -   feature -   origin
  ④ evolved   -   figure  -   origin


14. 다음 글에 이어질 글의 순서가 바르게 짝지어진 것은? 답 : 4
 The atr of shipbuilding has some odd traditions, and one of the most interesting of all has roots in Greek and Roman history.
(A) Today scientists find evidence of this long-standing tradition in a variety of locations, from the decayed remains of old Greek ships to the still active frigate U.S.S Constitution.
(B) In case of a disaster at sea, the dead crew needed these coins to pay to get to the afterlife. It was believed that sailors without money to cross this river would not be able to take their place in the afterlife.
(C) During ancient Greek and Roman times, when a new ship was built, a small number of coins were left under the mast of the ship. The shipbuilders did this for al very special reason.
(D) According to legend, the crew members gave these coins the ferry master Charon to take them across the river Styx to Hades, the land of the dead.

  ① (D) - (A) - (C) - (B)
  ② (D) -(C) - (A) - (B)
  ③ (C) - (D) - (B) - (A)
  ④ (C) - (B) _ (D) - (A)

15. 다음에 주어진 사전 뜻풀이 가운데, 밑줄 친 out of 의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 3
 Many people have lost faith in modern medicine because researchers have been unable to fine cures for a variety of problems, from cancer to the common cold. Some people turn to "alternativer medicine" out of curiosity ; others out of desperation. What many have realized is that where one treatment is no good, another is often effective ; one medical technique can complement another.

  ① from without to the outside of : got out of the car.
  ② not having ; lacking : We're out of coffee.
  ③ because of : I came out of real interst, not just to have a good time!
  ④ in a position or situation beyond the range, boundaries, limits, or sphere of : The plane flew out of sight.

16. 다음 글의 바로 앞에 나올 내용으로 알맞은 것은? 답 : 1
 In spite of these benefits, consumers who purchase these sets now may be disappointed with the results. These are very few dgitally produced program on television, and the number is unlikely to increase on the near future. The major network plan to offer only five hours of digital programming per week next year. Further, cable companies are not under any regulation to switch to carrying digital programming. Since two-thirds of American receive their television through cable, the delay may be even longer.

  ① 디지털 TV의 장점들
  ② 미국 방송의 전송방식의 이점들
  ③ 디지털 방송시대의 소비자 선택
  ④ 주요 방송사들이 제공하는 혜택

17. 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 1
 To the average consumer, the difference between a brand and a product can confusing. one way to explain the difference is that brands are around for a long time, while products are quick to come and go. Take, for instance, the sportwear manufacture Nike. Nike is the brand name. Nike might make many different products over the years, such as different kinds of athletic shoes and clothing, but the brand name "Nike" will _______________________.

  ① always be the same
  ② often succeed
  ③ advertise itself
  ④ sometimes make mistakes

18. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 것은? 답 : 3

 There are a couple of important steps to take when choosing a puppy. ㉠ one is to check out a puppy's physical condition carefully. The animal's eye should be clear and bright, and its gums should be pink and firm. ㉡ Also, watch it play with other puppies, and get an idea of the puppy's personality. ㉢ Owing a pretty puppy can improve a person's mental and physical well-being. ㉣ If it's very timid or aggressive, it might not make a good pet.

  ① ㉠
  ② ㉡
  ③ ㉢
  ④ ㉣

19. 다음 글의 내용과 가장 가까운 것은? 답 : 3

 When you overspend on your budget by ten dollars in one day, it's not a big problem. But if you do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, you end up broke. For people who put on weight, it usually isn't a sudden bif disaster - it's a bit today and a bit tomorrow. -- then one day they find themselves in big trouble and ask, "What happened?"
 One thing adds to another, and the little things become the big things. The little things in life can make such a big difference.

  ① one good turn deserves another.
  ② You can't eat your cake and have it.
  ③ Drop by drop, water wears away a stone.
  ④ Misfortunes seldom come singly.

20. 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 답 : 1
 Elenentsl of culture can be divided into two categories. The first is the material culture, which is made up of all the physical objectsl that people make and give meaning to. Books, clothing, and buildings are some examples. We have a shared understanding of their purpose and meanings.
____________ , nonmaterial culture consists of human creations that ar not physical. Examples of nonmaterial culture are values and customs. Our beliefs and the languages we speak are also part of our nonmaterial culture.

  ① In contrast
  ② In addition
  ③ Above all
  ④ As a result
